Hear Us Right Here!

This device-independent stream lets you listen to KPOO in the privacy of your own home/cubicle. Just click the lovely painted jukebox, hit the play button, and there you have it! Or simply paste the streaming address ( into your player.
Streaming is thanks to the courtesy of Thanks, guys.
Listen to KPOO on TuneIn

Now you can listen to KPOO on any device you want! TuneIn is available for all smartphones, most tablets and for desktop computers. Click here for a free download to your smartphone/tablet or desktop. The desktop version of TuneIn will display the current KPOO program schedule. The 99 cent TuneIn Pro app lets your computer or smartphone record KPOO programs. Click here to learn how to listen to KPOO in your car outside the KPOO broadcast signal area via your smartphone/tablet with the TuneIn app.
NOTE: If you are having difficulty streaming from your Chrome browser, you can follow Googles’s instructions to set your site permission swithout changing your default settings.
Even if you don’t have a smartphone/tablet, you can still listen on your computer to your favorite streaming station: Click here to listen via TuneIn on your computer.
Listen to KPOO on ITUNES

Click here to listen to KPOO on iTunes, as well as any other MP3 player. You may also manually link by following the instructions below:
- Open iTunes
- From the pulldown menu, select Advanced > Subscribe to URL….
- Enter the following address:
- Click OK.