PSA Submission
Public service announcements (PSAs) are messages designed to inform or educate. PSAs are free of charge and as such are an important way to raise community awareness about issues and events important to the audience. KPOO welcomes your PSA submissions. We suggest that you submit your PSA at least three weeks in advance. When submitting a PSA, be sure to include the following:
- name of the organization sponsoring the event
- topic (i.e., health fair, art show, business conference, etc.)
- announcement start and stop date
- Announcement text exactly as you wish it to be read
- event date(s) and time(s)
- event location(s)
- who to contact for more information (telephone number and/or web address)
Submissions can be anywhere between 10 and 60 seconds. You may NOT mention prices, but you can say it is a free event or benefit.
You may submit your PSA as text or pre-recorded message. You may also visit our studios by appointment and record a PSA.